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I couldnt find a HOW-TO on PPPoE which is going to 
be a must for xDSL access .  Is there any documentation
about how PPP interacts with the NIC driver?
 About algorithms i felt that the book called data structures 
in  c and c++ by langsam & ... was real good (This is not a 
promotion this is a personal view :) )
> ----------
> From: 	Stein Gjoen[SMTP:sgjoen@mail.nyx.net]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, October 24, 2000 8:54 PM
> To: 	Andrew P Moise
> Cc: 	ldp-discuss@lists.linuxdoc.org
> Subject: 	Re: I wanna contribute to LDP
> First of all, has anyone replied to this offer?
> Andrew P Moise wrote:
> [snip]
> >   An Algorithms-HOWTO, a quick sketch of hash tables, sorting, red-black
> > trees, heaps, and the like, for people who have no formal training in
> > computer science but want to move from shell scripts to real programming
> > (including links to proper-length documentation on the stuff).
> I believe this would be useful. We already have a Tips-HOWTO which
> is a collection of miscellania, so an Algorithms-HOWTO should have
> no problems in fitting in, and more importantly it does fill a
> hole in the current set of HOWTOs.
> >   man pages on file formats; sox and gd nonwithstanding, there's been
> > many a time when I just wanted to know what the header fields in an .au
> > file were and had to spend a couple minutes on the web/in the source to
> > find it out, and a man page with structs included would have made my
> > life more convenient.  Even the non-trivial formats like PNG or (ha!)
> > MPEG could be explained in terms of record structure, with links to
> > detailed explanations of the compression.  I can't pledge the lifetime
> > of work it would take to document them all, but I think I could make a
> > not-quite-miniscule dent.
> This too I feel we need. I tried some time ago to ask this
> collection author to join the LDP but got only spam back:
> 	http://www.swin.edu.au/astronomy/pbourke/
> A collection/overview of data formats is useful but I don't
> know if any freely distributable ones exist.
> >   If neither of these seems useful to you, I'm at your disposal for any
> > bitch work you have laying around (such as categories and metadata for
> > the HOWTOs, which still seems to be open).  Whaddya say?
> I am sure the first two would do nicely and I also suspect these
> would require more or less continuous updates as new software
> comes along.
> Regards,
>    Stein Gjoen
> --  
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