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Linux topluluğu ve olan biten hakkında yazıların içeriği. |
Debian 2.2'nin bug'ları nasıl rapor edilir ?
How that Debian 2.2 is released, a lot of people will upgrade to new newest Debian distro. Since Debian is extremely stable, why do you need a bug report tool? I do not know, but you cannot write software without bugs, so bugs will be found. This article explains how to submit them to the developers of the package.
Vector Linux Yaklaşıyor
Review of a mini linux distribution
Nerdbank - elektronik ticaretteki açık arayüzler
Nerdbank is a project to develop an open and secure banking system for worldwide electronic money transactions.
Linux'un Üniversite Laboratuvarlarında Eğitsel Araç Olarak Kullanımı
The author describes a first hand account of how Linux is changing the face of research labs in educational institutions in Turkey.
ECC2-79 çatladı: Bunu Alpha Linux yaptı!
A short note about a group of Alpha Linux enthusiasts who cracked ECC2-79
Hastanelerde Linux
Linux means business, an example of using Linux in the health care environment.
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